State transition explorer: Instructions
Try the following:
- Click on a coloured circle to select that state.
- Click on the green text of a transition to select that link.
- Press B or check "Back Links" to show links leading to the current state
- Press "N" to select a link at random
- Wave the mouse over the controls to see hints about what that control does.
Less useful controls:
- Turn off "Hide unrelated" to show _all_ links (must have Forward and Back links turned on).
- Type a regular expression into the filter box to filter which links are displayed.
- Press P to traverse back through the history of moves
- Press R to select a random state.
- The Trim checkbox will keep the history short, and "Brief" hides the descriptive text.
Secret controls:
Click "Brief" and then click on the bold N to generate a long list of transitions!
How it works
Most of the work is done by the marvellous d3js library.
The diagrams are loaded from Tab-Separated-Value files containing at least three columns: Start, Move, and End.
Start is the starting state of a transition.
Move is some text describing the transition.
End is the final state of the transition.
You can also have a Description column giving some extra information about the transition, that will appear as hovertext and in the move history.